This gorgeous bamboo model is now in her 2nd year of college! I remember the day this photo was taken at our showroom in Madison’s business incubator. Our original show floors were made of recycled doors from the Habitat Re-store. We didn’t have A/C, so we all had very rosy cheeks in the summer time.
I am but a fly on the elephant’s back, but I’ll never stop. When my body “broke”due to chemical exposure at my workplace, I learned how important it is to protect what you have. Living with chemical sensitivities is no joke. My clients sometimes will get the eye roll at other service providers when bringing up this health condition. I often say that even if you don’t suffer from chemical sensitivities you can still benefit from having these “clean” products in your home. My experience as a mother of children with special needs and asthma has also allowed me to connect with more diverse populations of folks
who need floors that are easy to clean, will not gas out chemicals, and can be protective of a person’s sensory processing. So, when I got laid off from a job in the corporate world, I went back to the drawing board, did my research, and landed on bamboo flooring sales as a viable livelihood. My parents ran a construction business for 40 years, so I have always been comfortable working in the trades. I feel like my life experiences as well as 20 years of living and breathing eco-friendly flooring, I am well equipped to handle most any flooring situation. I have installed these products myself---(I’ll never forget the time I installed a cork floor at a trade show booth when I while 8 months pregnant!) There are no sleezy salespeople in my shop. We know that it can be stressful to look at and purchase flooring for so many reasons, so we just keep calm energy and be and informative as possible to help you determine if any of our products might work for you. Keep in mind that we cannot foresee all scenarios and traffic in your home, but we'll go on our experience and the track record of our products to give you the best advice.
Don’t be fooled by all of those online companies using my company name as their keyword. I am the one and only Eco- Friendly Flooring. Just give me a call or send me a note, you’ll be glad you did.